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Showing posts from April, 2018
I'm now on day four of not spending anything. To be honest, I'm starting to miss it a little, and that's the interesting part of budgeting and managing your finances. I think we're almost programmed to want to spend money--on food or a thing. It fills a void, a boredom, if you will. It gives a rush. Update: I only made it four days in a row this time; next week is always a new challenge.
The main idea behind Mama Money Bags is putting you in control of your personal finances. You have the power to save for your goals, your future. You have the power to get yourself out of debt. One way I accomplish this is through no-buy months, which are full of no-buy days in which I spend absolutely nothing. I didn't buy anything today, nor yesterday. It takes planning and resourcefulness, dare I even say stubbornness? Yes, because I'm a pretty stubborn person. Try it tomorrow. Don't spend a cent on anything, and see how you do. Could you do it again the day after tomorrow (wasn't that a movie? Love my sci-fi!)? My exceptions are bills, gas, and medical co-pays. Report back if you want as you start filling your Mama Money Bags!
After creating this blog over three years ago, I finally am doing something about it! My new e-book, Mama Money Bags , is coming soon. It's full of ideas to help mamas all over take control of their personal finances so they can live their best life possible. Stay tuned! In the meantime, you can find me at: