Just like almost every other woman I know, Target's red bull's eye draws me in. I've been trying to resist lately and just not go--to cut down on my spending--but it still feels like a home away from home. The red carts, the bright white floors. I can see it now... But what I love the most is the 90% off clearance that happens after most holidays or big occasions (typically Valentine's Day, Easter, summer/school, Halloween, and Christmas). I usually go with a cart--the only time I use a cart--and peruse the aisles, putting in things I'm interested in. Then, I scan to check the price before deciding what to buy. The past couple years, I've also followed All Things Target on Facebook to find hidden items included in the clearance. Like this table I picked up after Christmas one year for $9... Or this one for $8... They aren't even holiday-themed and we use them all year round! Just another way to fill your Mama Money Bags !
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