I thought it might be helpful to talk about no-buy months. It's discussed in detail in Mama Money Bags, but in case you didn't get a chance to read it, or just want to learn more, here's a brief synopsis. The first step is to:
Think before you buy. Do you need to buy that item or will something at home be almost just as good? Did you check your stockpile? Have you used up all those tiny shampoo bottles squirreled away from your last vacation? Is there a cheaper option? Instead of getting take-out for dinner, do you have something you can make quick at home?
I usually try to not spend for three to four days during the week. It's easier than it sounds, as long as you have your stockpile--items you bought beforehand on sale or steeply discounted--to back you up. For no-buy months, I do not include bills, doctor's appointments, or gas. I do include food shopping and all "stuff."
It helps to plan out your week a little, too. I went food shopping on Monday. But on Tuesday, I won't go to any stores or look on any websites; the same for Thursday. A good goal is to start out with 12 no-buys in a month and build up from there. (No, these are not 12 days in a row as my teenager thought! They are just randomly spaced throughout the month.)
Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you have fewer no-buy days than you wanted. Be kind to yourself: any is good and you'll get more disciplined and organized over time. I honestly find my life so much calmer since I started no-buy days about a decade ago. It stopped all of my random running around and crazy consumerism which was an unexpected benefit, in addition to the money saving.
Think before you buy. Do you need to buy that item or will something at home be almost just as good? Did you check your stockpile? Have you used up all those tiny shampoo bottles squirreled away from your last vacation? Is there a cheaper option? Instead of getting take-out for dinner, do you have something you can make quick at home?
I usually try to not spend for three to four days during the week. It's easier than it sounds, as long as you have your stockpile--items you bought beforehand on sale or steeply discounted--to back you up. For no-buy months, I do not include bills, doctor's appointments, or gas. I do include food shopping and all "stuff."
It helps to plan out your week a little, too. I went food shopping on Monday. But on Tuesday, I won't go to any stores or look on any websites; the same for Thursday. A good goal is to start out with 12 no-buys in a month and build up from there. (No, these are not 12 days in a row as my teenager thought! They are just randomly spaced throughout the month.)
Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you have fewer no-buy days than you wanted. Be kind to yourself: any is good and you'll get more disciplined and organized over time. I honestly find my life so much calmer since I started no-buy days about a decade ago. It stopped all of my random running around and crazy consumerism which was an unexpected benefit, in addition to the money saving.
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