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You know that saying, "There's no such thing as a free lunch?" It's wrong! Read Mama Money Bags to find out why.

On Tuesday, July 10, you can eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner for free (well, the entree at least!). All you need to do is wear something cow-themed. Since my family has been going to Cow Appreciation Day for at least a decade, we have an entire bag of goodies set aside for the big day.

Here's my kids from a couple years ago. The visors are handmade--I drew on cow faces after turning over free visors we got who knows where. The necklaces are just stuffed cows held together by rubber bands, and another is pinned to my son's hat. And my youngest is wearing a swimming cover-up with black spots taped to it.

I've seen some amazing cow costumes over the years, but since I don't want to buy things we rarely use, we make do with creating our own. I even have a shirt with a cow on the back that I wear on Cow Appreciation Day year after year. You only have to wear something cow-themed, so be creative!

Want to learn more? Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or Pinterest. Or pick up Mama Money Bags today! #MamaMoneyBagsBook


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