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I went shopping the other day by myself. My favorite kind of shopping--when I head to the stores with multiple freebies and coupons.

See all that stuff? Two Victoria's Secret undies ($10.50 each) and $5 facial mask, $2.99 card from Hallmark, $5.50 lotion $12.50 shower gel from Bath and Body Works. About $42 worth of items for--wanna take a guess? $1.06!

How? You know when those cashiers ask you for your phone number or email at checkout? Well, you should be giving it to them! Then, months later after you haven't been a very good customer (because you are a Cheap Mom and didn't have any coupons) they send you really really good deals to get you to come back into the store. Gap just sent me $20 for FREE this way! I bought my youngest daughter two shirts, a pair of leggings, and a dress for less than $5.

Anyway, for this latest shopping trip:
--Victoria's Secret sent me a coupon for two free undies with any purchase, so I bought the facial mask (on sale for $1) plus 6 cents tax.
--Bath and Body Works sent me two free coupons--one for a large item and one for a travel-sized one.
--Hallmark is giving away a free card every single Friday from now until the end of July if you're a Crown member (free to join). I'm up to three cards now--they are coming in handy with graduation season, Mother's Day, and teacher gifts.

That's how you fill your Mama Money Bags. That's how you live your best life possible and have nice things without sacrificing anything.

If you haven't bought my e-book Mama Money Bags yet, it's available for .99 cents on Amazon Kindle (free with Kindle Unlimited) for a couple more days. My other book, Marla Being Born is free through Monday before going up to .99 cents.


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