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Mama Money Bags is just about ready; just putting the finishing touches on it! My sister Korren ( designed the cover and I absolutely love it!

So what goes into writing an e-book? Honestly, patience, stubbornness, and time. Now that I'm here, sitting with my second finished e-book, I keep wondering why I never tried to publish on my own before. I've come up with a few answers.

First, and probably the biggest reason, is because this is the first time in 13 years that all of my kids are in school full-day; it's also the first time I am a part-time employee (70%) instead of a full-time one without kids around all day. I do miss them, but summer is coming soon.

Second, my coworker (also an author of e-books) said to not start another project before you finish the first one. That single piece of advice helped me so much! I am always starting and stopping some project or another. Even though I have the beginning of my next book laid out in my head, I haven't typed a single word yet. I'm excited to get started on it though.

Third, Mama Money Bags took a very long time. I came up with the title and idea probably over three years ago in the shower one morning. I began a blog that night after work and never did anything with it--it's actually this very blog.

I began writing the e-book last spring after some work changes that worried me; it ended up all working out though. I wrote versions 1 and 2 that spring; it sat all summer. Version 3 was around the fall, while version 4 was done over a weekend spent at a Girl Scout Camporee in January. It was 0F degrees outside--too cold to go outside much--and I wrote away all weekend on my clipboard. After that, it moved much quicker, however, I'm positive that version 5 sat on my counter for a month.

Plus, I finally figured out that I could dedicate an hour and a half to just writing if I got up with my older two kids before getting my youngest kid up for school.

There you have it! About a ream of paper with notes and comments and highlights galore. I guess all that I'm saying is that a big project happens over time, sort of like saving money. You won't fill your Mama Money Bags overnight, and I didn't write a book overnight. It takes dedication, it takes commitment. Stick with it, though, and you'll reach your goal. I did!


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